If you’ve been injured, do you need an attorney? The short answer is yes. You need to speak with an attorney to get an overview of the situation.

Do you know what isn’t fun? Playing a game where the deck is stacked against you. If you don’t seek legal representation, you’re basically allowing the other side to stack the deck. Insurance companies have attorney staff to represent them on all claims. Why should you have less protection than the insurance company?

Claims adjusters are trained by attorneys, and the adjusters’ only job is to pay out the least amount possible on every single claim. They love dealing with folks who don’t have an attorney, because the adjusters know they can use all kinds of tricks on the unsuspecting and unrepresented person.

If you and your family are worth protecting, you owe it to yourself to talk to an attorney. There are some cases where a lawyer isn’t necessary, but don’t just assume that’s the case. After taking care of emergency medical issues, you should consult with an attorney as soon as you can.

The longer you wait, the more likely you are to damage your case. While it’s rarely too late for an attorney to get involved, the best course is to seek counsel as soon as possible. Don’t believe the adjuster who says, An attorney will only take money out of your pocket.

An insurance company’s only job is to pay the least amount possible on a claim. It doesn’t matter if it’s your insurance company or the at-fault driver’s own insurance company. If the at-fault driver’s insurance isn’t sufficient, your own insurance company might get stuck with the bill. The company doesn’t want that. It wants to pay out as little as possible.

Experienced injury attorneys can estimate how much a case is really worth, and we understand how insurance companies conduct business. Insurance companies train their representatives to be polite and courteous but make no mistake—they’re always looking out for themselves.

The way to level the playing field is to hire an injury attorney who understands the ins and outs of this kind of work. Best of all, it will allow you—the victim—to focus your energy on healing and recovery. That is your primary responsibility when you’ve been injured through someone else’s negligence.

Consider this: Insurance companies use computer software to determine how much to pay on an injury case. Without an attorney of your own, this robotic calculation could be the final word on the matter. Do you really want the amount of your compensation to be determined by a computer algorithm that’s designed to minimize loss and pay you as little as possible? Of course you don’t.

But what about attorney fees? Isn’t your lawyer going to take a big cut of your payout? Studies have actually shown that hiring a personal injury attorney will almost always put more money in your pocket. The insurance company is not going to tell you that.

Insurance companies make sure they hire people who are super polite to you on the phone. They will do their absolute best to make you believe they care. Their goal is for you to accept their offer before you’ve had the opportunity to think about it. They definitely don’t want you talking to a lawyer.

You need someone to fight for you—someone who’s looking out for your interests. If you have any questions about Indiana injury law, call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642. Until next time, be safe and watch out for each other.