In this day and age, we’re all increasingly reliant on technology. More and more industries are going paperless, which means more trees and less papercuts all around.

Technological convenience, however, often has unintended consequences. This is true in almost all areas of human culture, including personal injury claims.

The basis of any personal injury claim is the injury itself. If you’re injured, your medical bills are tied directly to your treatment. In addition, many personal injury cases include pain and suffering—the theory that you deserve some extra compensation for your continued distress and discomfort.

With years of personal injury experience under its belt, the Marc Lopez Law Firm understands the difference between a winning case and a losing one. It often comes down to an attorney’s ability to convincingly draw a direct line of causation from the incident to your injuries. The more direct the causation, the stronger the case.

Indirect causation makes for a much weaker case. A weak case, however, isn’t the worst that can happen. Sometimes an otherwise strong case can be crippled by a client’s carelessness.

If you’ve been injured, you probably don’t want to maintain a strong social media presence. No matter how natural it may feel to document and share details of your personal life, this habit can be hazardous to your personal injury case.

Your Facebook and Instagram accounts represent free ammunition for your opponents to try and shoot holes in your story of injury and recovery. As an injured person bringing a case, your best weapon is your credibility. If you’re not credible, there’s almost no way to win your case.

Do yourself a favor: Cool it with the social media. Once you’ve hit pause on your Twitter account, call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642 to learn more about transforming your personal injuries into a legal victory.